Monday, 9 May 2016

It goes so fast!

It's been nagging at me that my last update was a bit miserable - a state that didn't last that long and only occasionally visits for a moment or two.

In fact the whole thing has been so quick I've not really had much chance to dwell, for which I am very grateful.

The latest news is that last week I started back at work (working from home for the first couple of days) and on Wednesday 4th May I went back to the PRU for my update with the surgeon.

It was actually the lovely and very tall Dr Dave I saw (he had assisted - he wasn't sure if I'd remember him and I told him he'd been in his scrubs when we met and of course I remembered - he seemed strangely pleased).  It's all good - which is how he started the meeting - bless him - it's the kindest thing anyone can do in these circumstances - cut to the chase.

smile emoticon
No cells in the lump margins, nothing found in the two lymph nodes taken from my armpit so no need for further operations. Now it's just radiation (as a lump was taken rather than the whole breast they need to sterilise the area to knock out any pre-cancerous cells) and anti-hormone tablets to reduce the risk of anything coming back.
I insisted he look at the girls ... On reflection I'm not sure he'd intended that but hey, they enjoy the attention.  smile emoticonAll looks good, healing well, another six weeks for the bruising to go down ... I do like a target.  I remembered to ask if I could wear deodorant again (I can) and I pointed out the odd things I wanted reassurance about.  His main response was that my joie de vivre demonstrated that I wasn't suffering from sepsis and that I was obviously fine.  He had been telling me about the next stages and that there would be literature from the oncology team - I'd explained I already had a pile of literature from my experiences so far and that actually what we needed was Cliff Notes on how the whole thing works.  Which lead to a fabulous little explanation to his colleague exactly what Cliff Notes are and about his experience of buying some in Foyles before their refit.

I went back into the office on Thursday and had a lovely mixture of greetings and enquiries after my health, along with more minimal 'nice to see you back', which was exactly what I wanted - I wanted to get on with my work.

The weekend just gone was gloriously warm and reminded me that it's easy to do too much without thinking you are - I spent a lot of time sleeping!  I did get in a long walk on Sunday and I'm finally starting to think I might be able to resume my normal sleeping position (on the side that's been operated on).

My radiation 'fitting' meeting is this coming Wednesday and I'll be a little quicker to share what happens this time.

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