Thursday 21 April 2016

Random musings

The nurse came on Wednesday and took the dressings off the two wound areas leaving just the strips in place that will be washed off on Monday, hopefully with the stitches with them.  I ticked all the boxes, had a fresh strip put on the one in my armpit and was left to get on with things.

About noon a friend arrived for lunch - bringing with her so many things that I now have a fridge stuffed full - which is such a gift!  It hadn't even occurred to me how useful that might be - if ever you find yourself with a friend going through any event like this, don't even ask, rock up with food for the fridge - if I'd been asked, I would have said I was fine, that I didn't need anything - but suddenly I don't have to food shop or even think about it!

'Take it easy' is so much harder than you'd think!  When sitting at work the idea of just being on the sofa reading sounds divine.  Not really being able to gauge how much energy you have or how easy it is to just overreach slightly and find that you're in pain or crying from being tired - very annoying!

Today (Thursday) I'll be in pj's until after lunch (which is in the oven as I type) then I'll, slowly, be washing all the bits of myself I'm allowed to, putting on some real clothes and then getting back on the sofa.  Later I'll take a slow walk to buy milk.  

Planning and achieving small victories is important.

The nurse who told me the pain killing drugs put in me during the operation can last for five days was right ... and I'm being more diligent about taking the regular pain killers I've been given - they're nothing special, but it's worth keeping a steady flow going.

This is the first time I've found myself feeling a bit sorry for myself - it won't last, I just don't work like that, but it is very interesting the  bits that you realise you don't have control over and that you have to ride through.

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