Thursday 14 April 2016


I was intending to amaze you all with the things I got done today ... bedding changing, phone error reporting, banking stuff ... and then this happened:

Whatsapp Group 'Keeping abreast of Lucy' (the lucky souls who are doing some of the heavy lifting - coming to get me tomorrow and staying overnight so that I don't embarrass myself or whatever it is that means hospitals think you shouldn't be on your own for the first 24 hours post a general anesthetic) 

E: Positivity is very good. Also when I think of you being 'wired up' today I envisage a James Bond movie. Maybe we should call you Agent Waters? ;-) 

K: Agent Waters!!  Love it!!! 

N: MoneyWaters ... LucyPenny

L: You do realize I'm now going to have to ask if I can get Radio 2 on this thing ... which will probably be the thousandth time they've heard it!

E: N, shall I let you know tomorrow evening when I have collected Agent Waters so that we can triangulate your arrival at CP?

N: We'll need to synchronize some watches.  I'll be surveying from a local safe house as no access to civilians.

E: N, will transmit calculator code: '5318008' when agent is on-board. Transmit time expected to be 30 mins.

N: Roger that

N: (hehehehehehehehehe boobies)

I was at the bus stop when that arrived and I cackled out loud :-)

And then the Dr went and made a Radio Five on my wire gag before I could ask about Radio Two!

The procedure to put the wire in was very straight forward and I got to see the 'tiny' (as it was officially pronounced) lump, I then headed home, very pleased that it had only taken half an hour.

Those of you paying attention may now be screaming at the screen ... 'you've forgotten something' ... one stop before my house (on an hour long bus journey) I finally realised my phone was ringing ... 'come back, you've not had your radiation injection'.

I dashed in the house, threw my Marks ready meals and treats in the freezer (the nice Dr had said get yourself a treat!) and ran back over the road, waving frantically at the bus driver as he was about to sail past me - lovely man waited for me :-)

Total time on buses today - 5 hours
Total time in hospital including all the procedures and waiting for the anesthetic cream to take - 1 hour

The NHS are amazing, this dolt, not so much!

Anyway, I'm home now, left boob covered in gauze and micropore, waiting to see if it will actually glow with the radioactivity that is even now heading for my armpit.  

PS I have only just noticed this thing is correcting to American spellings ... grrr


  1. Grrr.... hate American spellings!!! Sorry to any Americans reading this :-/ (peace to you deep down). :-) Well done Agent Lucy. It's a great idea to have someone with you, even after a high dose of sedative, I discovered after I left a pan on the on hob! Luckily my mum was with me! :-D I hope you enjoyed your treats! :-) :-) x

    1. I've just wolfed down my main course so that I can have a treat :-)

  2. btw Nella is Dawn Cato. Funnily enough Nicola Holderness calls me that - it's short for Prawnella which also isn't my name. :-D
