Monday 11 April 2016

Feeling the love

Oh my goodness!

If anyone is (still) asking what the point of Facebook is, you just need to look at my timeline for yesterday and today.

I'd not even been sure I was going to share my news - yes I'm loud and not easily forgotten once met ('a force of nature' is the polite phrase you're looking for) but if you have met me you'll also know that I'm actually very private - I'll tell you everything - but I won't tell you that!

I put together the first blog as an easy way of telling my colleagues at work what was going on, but also to set out how I'm approaching it and hopefully reduce anyone's potential embarrassment about 'what do I say to her now'.  Putting that note on Facebook seemed like an easy way of contacting my wider circle of friends - and look what you've done!  So much love and positivity!  I am in awe of you all!

Today's experience was the pre-op assessment process - height, weight (I didn't look!) blood pressure, have I got false teeth and all that stuff.  Then I took up the offer of a chat with a nurse from the support team - in the spirit of one should never turn down an offer of help I went along - and it was fabulous.  I may end up banned from the clinic for making the nurses laugh too much :-)

Next stage is Thursday when I'll have a wire put into the breast to identify the lump (the little tiny lump) and get injected with radiation so that everything is bright and shiny for the surgeon.  I come home and then go back on the Friday for the actual operation - after which I will look like a smurf!  I have to warn my 'responsible adult' that I will look awful - well - even worse than usual!

I have new pj's and slippers I can't wear until I've had the op - so bring it on!

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