Tuesday 19 April 2016


What happened when:

(seemed useful to have this in one place and I'll update it as I get my appointments)

8th March   Mammogram (part of regular screening programme)
29th March Referral to Breast Clinic where ultrasound was done and a needle biopsy for further checks
7th April     Results of biopsy showing cancerous cells, appointment made for surgery that day
11th April   Pre Op assessment
14th April   insertion of wire and radioactive dye
15th April   Operation (home the same day)
17th April   Nurse visit
20th April   Nurse visit for removal of dressings 
25th April   Remove stitches (in shower)
 4th May     Appt with Surgeon
11th May    Appt with clinical oncology (to discuss next steps)
1st  June    Result of gene therapy test (no need for Chemo)
23rd June   CT Scan
7th July - 27th July (weekdays) Radiotherapy

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